Many products which fill the shelves of stores in America have that one sticker that we all recognize, that little gold oval which states "Made in China". "Made in China" is synonymous with "made cheaply, efficiently, and without any regard to the employees who toiled long hours to make this product". The factories in China which manufacture goods to be exported have very poor conditions for the workers who receive minimal pay. Many of the companies which own these factories will actually build enormous dorms and malls right next to the factory. This enables them to milk every bit of money out of the operation, leaving as little for the employees as possible. But what is America's hand in this? There is no denying that the United States is fueling this by the enormous amount of goods which are imported each year from China. Does this leave America responsible? No. The Chinese government and the companies which operate the factories are to blame. China has had a very controlling government which restricts the freedom of it's citizens. The government in China has also lacked in showing concern for the wellbeing of it's people, often giving the impression that they would rather have China as a nation succeed than it's people. In many cases the companies outsource to China for the sole purpose of saving money by cutting what the employee deserves. I feel that the United States should, however, call for China to reform the way they allow their people to be treated.

Image showing the extent of a Chinese factory.
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